So, far from languishing on the workbench, I've been working on the S1 sensor project lately. I'm attempting to leave a trail of solder-crumbs for daring (read: foolish) souls who may follow.
The physical design of the device is nearly complete, awaiting the arrival of components for a final look at spacing. I was struggling to find a reasonable design for the rotating fins, each of which must house a CMOS sensor, an M12 fisheye lens and related wiring. The challenge lay in finding a way to pass the wiring through to the hand-grip, housing the micro-controller. My first attempt used a solid metal pin that allowed the fin to rotate but meant leaving a hole for the wiring. In the end 3d printing allowed for a hollow pin, reducing weight and keeping all wiring safely tucked away.
On the system side, I've been building a prototype based on the OV7670 camera sensor, a cheap VGA component that is widely available. I'm planning to build a simplified system with final lens, sensor and using Bluetooth for I/O. Once this is in place I will begin work with the final sensor, which should be challenging. The sensor is a Toshiba CK26V1, found in the Nokia Lumia 1020 smartphone. It has a very high resolution of 41 MP (7136x5360), which should give great coverage when two 180 degree images are stitched.
Here is a snap of my Arduino setup to date; all pins are set up and its time to start timing tests:
Speaking of code, I've updated the Qt Creator Arduino project wizard, adding additional library includes, required for my work with the internal I2C Wire library, and USB initialization. For those interested, the repo lives here:
Hack away! :)
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